This is the easiest chicken recipe with loads of flavors! It creates it own juice (or broth) so it won't be dry. You can spice it to your tastes and add...
Simple and quick casserole. Good main recipe or basic recipe to do add in's. You can double the chicken mixture to have a creamier casserole. With a simple...
A warm, flavor-filled dish that can be prepared far in advance. A good pick for large groups, or small dish that's not too heavy of a dinner. It can also...
Always a hit! People will be wanting seconds. Crispy chicken that is made lower in fat, without being soggy. You may remove the skin from the chicken if...
I invented this one night when these were the only ingredients I had on hand. It's the first time my husband ever raved--and I mean RAVED--about my cooking....
Chicken pieces of your choice marinated in a golden glaze of molasses, pineapple juice, rum, mustard, garlic and ketchup; then baked, brushed and broiled...
I grew up with this recipe, it is a meal in itself. Serve with slices of buttered bread or corn tortillas. To complete this delicious Latin dish, serve...
This is a a quick casserole, especially if you have leftover chicken on hand. I found this in a church cookbook my grandmother gave to me. With a few modifications,...
This is great served with a salad prepared with fresh za'atar, balsamic, and oil. Be sure to serve with bread so you can scrape that leftover sauce off...
Barley, chicken and tons of veggies baked in a delicious creamy sauce. Easily made vegetarian by removing the chicken and substituting a vegetable cream,...
This has been a family favorite for over 15 years. It's easy to make and a crowd pleaser. It can also be made the day before and baked when you are ready...
I love chicken piccata, but I don't love cooking it on top of the stove. Get the great piquant taste of chicken piccata, without the spatters, in the oven!...
This is a comforting casserole which requires just a few ingredients and in less than an hour dinner will be ready. For little ones, it's best to chop...
This is a great recipe to have with friends and family, or for a buffet line. I love to invite a few friends over and serve this with a few other appetizers....
This method for cooking rice yields tender, fluffy rice. Chicken, rice, and vegetables all go into one pan on the stovetop for a few minutes, and then...
A delicious sweet and sour sauce simply made with ketchup, sugar, vinegar, and soy sauce is baked into breading of fried chicken. Most often requested...
Sometimes, I overestimate what my family will eat. No worries, a casserole will help use up those leftovers! You may use any combination of cooked chicken--dark...
This dish is quick and easy for the busy mom or the working woman or man. My husband and I love it and have it often. So do my family members and friends...
This is a quick and easy way to make some good barbecued chicken. The honey makes it fairly sweet. Try it with fresh steamed vegetables and some mashed...
I made this cheesy chicken casserole recipe by accident, but it turned into a very happy accident! I thought I was adding sour cream but wasn't paying...
Using only four ingredients and a few minutes of your time, these homemade chicken tenders are perfect for those busy weeknights. Basil, along with other...
Turn leftover chicken into a comforting casserole with "South-of-the Border" flair! Beautiful summer squash and zucchini, along with canned Southwest style...